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Cloud console guide

Read this guide to learn how to create and manage cloud project resources using the Rumble Cloud console.

About Rumble Cloud console

Rumble Cloud console is a web-based graphical user interface that helps you manage public, private, and hybrid cloud projects.

You can manage following cloud services through the console:

  • Compute for creating and managing servers (virtual machines) and related services
  • Storage for creating and managing storage volumes (virtual disk storage) and object storage (for files, images, and other files)
  • Network for creating and managing the computer networks (virtual) that connect your devices and resources to enable and control - communication within your cloud and outside of it (on the internet)
  • Automation for managing scripted workflows that can automate and orchestrate cloud resources
  • Kubernetes for creating and managing virtualized containers and container orchestration
  • API for creating and managing authentication and authorization to Rumble Cloud command line tools (using OpenStack CLI Tools) and RESTful API resources

Compatible browsers

You can access Rumble Cloud console using the following supported web browsers:

For MacOS, the latest versions of:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari

For Windows, the latest versions of:

  • Chrome
  • Edge

For Linux, the latest versions of:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox

Key concepts

Getting around

Once logged in, you’ll see the Dashboard and menus to help you navigate the interface.


Your console session automatically expires after a set time. Authenticate again using the same Login with SSO button to continue your session. You’ll be redirected to your last location in the Rumble Cloud console.

Navigation and menus

The Projects menu shows your current project and lets you switch to a different project. The selected project determines what services and resources are available to you for that project based on your role and permissions.

You can also access each of the services from the left navigation Services menu. Select the arrow at the bottom right of the menu to hide menu text and display only icons (and free up dashboard space).

The Availability Zone menu shows the geographic region for your project.

The Search bar lets you search the documentation and also find services in the console interface.

The Account menu lets you manage your account. See Manage your account.

Filters and data

Various console views make available ways to view, filter, and export data from the platform.

  • Refresh button
  • View button
  • Download button
  • Auto-refresh button

Use the copy button to copy data to your clipboard.

You can sort data (ascending and descending, if available) by column.

Pagination tools at the bottom of the page let you specify the number of results to return per page and controls to navigate the data set.

Commands and actions

The various service consoles display controls to create, edit, and take other actions.

For example the Instances console provides controls at the top of the screen to create new instances, control existing instances (start, stop, reboot), and take further action (More Actions, such as delete). In some cases, you can select one or more resources on which to act. These controls will vary depending on the resources you’re working with.

As you work with resources, the console interface provides affordances to help you complete your tasks.

For some tasks, you’ll see the tasks broken down into major steps displayed at the top of the page and navigated at the bottom.

You’ll see a quota widget to help you keep track of resources in real-time as you work with them. Click the expand button to show or hide the widget.

Look for tooltips to assist with definitions and task completion.