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Understand key pairs

The concept of key pairs is fundamental for ensuring secure access to cloud resources. Key pairs are an essential component of cloud security, enabling secure authentication and encryption for instances (virtual machines) in Rumble Cloud. By understanding how to create, manage, and use key pairs, you can ensure that your cloud resources are accessible only to authorized users, protecting your data and applications from unauthorized access.

What are key pairs?

A key pair consists of two related cryptographic keys: a public key and a private key. Together, they facilitate secure communication and authentication in a cloud environment.

  • Public key: This key is stored on the OpenStack instance and is used to encrypt data. It can be safely shared with others and is used to authenticate the corresponding private key.

  • Private key: This key is kept secret by the user and is used to decrypt data encrypted by the public key. It is also used to access instances via Secure Shell (SSH) or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

How key pairs work

When you create an instance, you can specify a key pair to be associated with that instance. The public key of the key pair is then injected into the instance, allowing you to securely access the instance using the corresponding private key.

Use cases

  • Secure access: Key pairs are used to establish secure SSH or RDP connections to instances, ensuring that only authorized users with the private key can access the instance.

  • Data encryption: Public keys can be used to encrypt sensitive data before sending it to an instance, with the private key used for decryption.

  • Authentication: Key pairs provide a way to authenticate the identity of the instance or user, ensuring that communications are between trusted parties.

Managing key pairs

  • Creating key pairs: You can create a new key pair using the cloud console or CLI. The public key is stored in Rumble Cloud, and the private key is downloaded and saved securely on your local machine.

  • Importing key pairs: If you already have an existing key pair, you can import the public key into Rumble Cloud for use with instances.

  • Associating key pairs with instances: When launching an instance, you can specify the key pair to use, allowing for secure access once the instance is running.

  • Security: Keep your private keys secure and never share them. If a private key is compromised, you should create a new key pair and update your instances accordingly.

Tips for key pairs

  • Backup private keys: Ensure that you have backups of your private keys stored securely in case of loss or damage.

  • Regular rotation: Regularly rotate key pairs to reduce the risk of compromise over time.

  • Limit distribution: Only distribute the private key to individuals who require access to the instances, and ensure they understand the importance of keeping the key secure.

See also