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Understand Linux commands

Familiarity with the Linux command line can greatly enhance your ability to interact with and manage cloud resources. As you become more comfortable with the command line, you may find that many cloud management tasks become faster and more straightforward, allowing you to focus on leveraging the power of the cloud for your applications and services.

Why learn Linux commands?

  • Efficiency: Command line tools often provide faster and more direct control over system and network resources compared to graphical interfaces.

  • Automation: Many cloud management tasks can be automated using shell scripts, which rely on Linux commands.

  • Troubleshooting: Understanding basic commands can help you diagnose and resolve issues within your OpenStack environment.

ls (List): Displays the contents of a directory.

ls -l  # List files with detailed information

cd (Change Directory): Navigates to a different directory.

cd /path/to/directory  # Change to the specified directory

pwd (Print Working Directory): Shows the current directory.

pwd  # Display the path of the current directory

cp (Copy): Copies files or directories.

cp source_file destination_file  # Copy a file

mv (Move): Moves or renames files or directories.

mv old_name new_name  # Rename a file

rm (Remove): Deletes files or directories.

rm file_to_delete  # Remove a file

mkdir (Make Directory): Creates a new directory.

mkdir new_directory  # Create a new directory

rmdir (Remove Directory): Deletes an empty directory.

rmdir empty_directory  # Remove an empty directory

grep (Global Regular Expression Print): Searches for text patterns within files.

grep "search_pattern" file_name  # Search for a pattern in a file

cat (Concatenate): Displays the contents of a file or concatenates multiple files.

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cat file_name  # Display the contents of a file

nano or vi (Text Editors): Opens a text editor for editing files.

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nano file_name  # Edit a file using nano
vi file_name    # Edit a file using vi

chmod (Change Mode): Changes the permissions of a file or directory.

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chmod 755 file_name  # Change permissions of a file

df (Disk Free): Displays disk space usage.

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df -h  # Show disk space usage in human-readable format

top (Table of Processes): Shows real-time information about running processes.

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top  # Display active processes

ssh (Secure Shell): Connects to a remote server securely.

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ssh user@remote_host  # Connect to a remote server