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Create a virtual machine image

  1. Go to Compute > Images > Create Image.
  2. Provide a name for the image.
  3. Upload or reference the image file.

    • Referencing an image is typically faster to setup.
    • Referencing the image file requires you to supply the URL address for the file.
    • You'll can refer to a trusted source for the referenced image file (for example, go to to download an image of cirrOS test distribution). See also a list of image providers from
    • You'll need to use an OpenStack-compatible image hypervisor format, such as KVM. The image format (such as QCOW2 or RAW) often indicates compatibility with certain hypervisors. For example, QCOW2 is typically used with QEMU/KVM.
    • Rumble Cloud only supports images files using x86 hardware architectures.
    • You'll typically use the .img file format (for example,
    • If uploading image files, you'll need the file available on your local machine.
  4. Specify the disk format. Choices include RAW, QCOW2, and ISO.

    • You'll typically use the QCOW2 format. QCOW2 is a format provided by QEMU (Quick EMUlator) that supports multiple snapshots, compression, and lazy allocation of disk space. QCOW2 images are more storage-efficient than RAW images. QCOW2 is good for development environments or where snapshotting capabilities are needed. If unsure, select QCOW2.
    • RAW is a direct byte-for-byte copy of a disk or drive. It does not involve any metadata or features beyond the actual content, making it highly compatible but typically larger in size.
    • ISO is a disk image format designed to hold the contents of an optical disc (CD or DVD). It's a sector-by-sector copy of the disc and is primarily read-only. ISO images are used for distributing large applications and operating systems because they are easily mountable by most operating systems without decompression. ISO can simulate a physical disc in virtual drives.
  5. Specify the container format (BARE is the only choice).

  6. Specify the operating system.
  7. Specify the operating system version.
  8. Specify the operating system administrator name. This is the default username that will be assigned for logging into the VM. The password for an individual virtual machine (VM) instance can be later specified at the time of VM creation.
  9. Optionally specify the minimum system disk size and minimum memory.
  10. Specify if the image visibility is public or private. If private, the image will not be available to other users when creating new VM instances.
  11. Specify to protect the image from deletion.
  12. Specify if you want to enable QEMU Guest Agent for the image. QEMU Guest Agent is a helper daemon installed on the VM that allows advanced functionality such as quiescing system disks before taking a snapshot. Only enable this option if the QEMU Guest Agent is part of this image. If you're unsure, leave QEMU Guest Agent disabled.
  13. Provide a description for the image.

See also