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Get started

Sign up for Rumble Cloud

Follow these steps to get up and running with Rumble Cloud.

  1. Register for your account
  2. Select your resource tier to provision your required resources
  3. Create your first project
  4. Explore the cloud console user interface
  5. Set up your tools
  6. Build a virtual machine
  7. Use object storage
  8. Explore services
  9. Next steps
  10. Explore more getting started guides

Rumble Cloud provides services that offer features to create and manage cloud compute resources.

The Rumble Cloud console is the graphical user interface used to interact with cloud service.

1. Set up your Rumble Cloud account, organization, and team

The Rumble Cloud portal is your first stop in getting your account and service provisioned.

Register and setup

Explore the cloud console user interace.

Your account

2. Create your first project

Project setup

Your project is where you'll work with your cloud resources.

Manage cloud projects

3. Navigate the cloud console

Rumble Cloud console is a graphical user interface for managing cloud resources.

Learn how

Explore the cloud console user interace.

Getting around the console interface

4. Set up cloud tools

Set up additional tools you'll use to manage your Rumble Cloud projects from your local computer.

Set up SSH key pair

You'll often want to use SSH (the Secure Shell Protocol) to login to your virtual machines from your local computer.

Add an SSH key pair to your account

Set up OpenStack RC file (optional, for developers)

Rumble Cloud console provides a tool you can use to help authenticate into your cloud project from the command line. Learn how to download an file from the console. When you source the file, your local environment variables will be set for use with your cloud project.

Generate app credentials

To go deeper, read Set environment variables using the OpenStack RC file on

Set up OpenStack client (optional, for developers)

In addition to using the cloud console user interface, you can interact with your cloud projects using the command line and the OpenStack client.

Install OpenStack client

5. Create a virtual machine instance

Follow this example to create a virtual machine instance on a public network.

Learn how

Now that you've setup your cloud tools, learn how to set up a virtual machine and access it from the internet.

Create a virtual machine on a public network

6. Upload a file to object storage

Create a container and upload files.

Learn how

Learn how to add files to object storage.

Create a storage container

Upload files to object storage

7. Explore cloud services

Learn how

Learn more about Compute, Storage, Network, Automation, and Kubernetes core services.


8. Next steps

Learn more

Create a virtual machine on a private network

Cloud console guide

How to

Frequently asked questions

9. More getting started topics

Read more

Explore the getting started library of beginner's guides for cloud computing.