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Create a virtual machine on a public network


Placing a virtual machine directly onto a public network can be unsafe and is not recommended for most situations. You can use this example as a quick way to create a test server, but you'll typically not want to use this method in any kind of working environment.

This getting started guide walks you through the setup of a virtual machine instance (Linux Ubuntu-22.0) using the Rumble Cloud console.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to:

  1. Create a security group.
  2. Create a virtual machine.
  3. Access the virtual machine.
  4. View the details of the virtual machine.

Even though you’ll be using the cloud console to create and manage your cloud resources, you’ll still need to use some tools on your local computer:

  • Terminal application (Windows or macOS)
  • SSH application
  • A public / private key pair
  • Internet access

Step 1. Create / upload your key pair

You’ll use SSH in the terminal command line to access the virtual machine in Rumble Cloud.

To get started, follow the steps in the guide, Add an SSH Key Pair to Your Account.

Continue to the next step of this guide after you've added your key pair.

Step 2. Create a security group

For more information about security groups, see Security Groups.

  1. Select Networks > Security Groups.
  2. Select Create Security Group.
  3. Use "quickStart" for the name and create the security group.
  4. Add a rule to the security group you just created.
  5. Select SSH for the protocol to specify common SSH settings (TCP on port 22)
  6. Create the rule.

Step 3. Create a virtual machine

For more information about instances, see Instances.

  1. Select Compute > Instances.
  2. Select Create Instance.
  3. Select "us-east-1a" for the availability zone.
  4. Select "c2a.large" for the specification.
  5. Select "Ubuntu-22.0" for the operating system.
  6. Select "Flash_Premium" for the system disk type. Note that for the Ubuntu operating system, you’ll need at least 2.20 GiB for the image size. Select 10 GiB for Size. Adding the additional size will give you some extra space to make sure everything works.
  7. Check Deleted with the instance. The system disk is a storage volume that is attached to the instance at the time of creation. This value specifies that the storage volume is deleted when you delete the instance.
  8. Click Next: Network Config.
  9. Select the Public Networks tab, then select "PublicEphemeral" for networks. The PublicEphemeral network is a default network that lets you connect your cloud resources to the internet. Placing your new instance onto the PublicEphemeral network ensures that you will be able to reach your new instance from your local machine when connecting over the internet.
  10. For subnets, select the option Automatically Assigned Address for the network.
  11. For security group, select the default and the new security group (you can stack groups; default is always available).
  12. Select Next: System Config.
  13. For login, select Keypair and confirm your choice. Add your key pair for authentication.
  14. Select Next: Confirm Config. You'll see a review of your virtual machine configuration.
  15. Confirm your setup. You’ll see the new VM appear in the instance dashboard. It may take a few seconds for the VM status to become active.

Step 4. Use SSH to access the virtual machine

For more information about virtual machines, see Instances.

  1. From the Instances dashboard, copy the Fixed IP address for the new instance.
  2. Open the Terminal application. Type the following command, using the fixed IP address you copied:


  3. You’ll see a message about continuing. Type "yes". The command line prompt should now read:


Step 4. View the virtual machine details

You can view the details of the new virtual machine to see all of the components that were created and associated with it.

Select Compute > Instances, then select the virtual machine you created.

From the detail view, you can click a tab at the top of the view showing the following components associated with the VM:

  • Details: information about the VM configuration, the instance architecture, flavor, security groups, and associated key pairs.
  • Volumes: information about the boot volume that was created along with the VM.
  • Instance Snapshots: the snapshot you just created is here along with any other snapshots you create.
  • Interfaces: an interface (port) was created when you placed the VM onto the public ephemeral network when you created the VM. The interface connects the VM to the network, and has the security groups and associated IP addresses. In this case, an address was assigned from the pool to this interface (and then to the VM). The IP assigned here will be placed back into the pool of available IP addresses once you delete this VM.
  • Floating IPs: any associated floating IPs. In the example you created, there are no floating IP addresses here.
  • Security Groups: the security groups applied to the VM.
  • Action Logs: a list of actions taken in the cloud console associated with the virtual machine (for example, create, reboot, etc.).

See also