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Instance snapshots

Service description

Instance snapshots are part of the Compute service.

When you take a snapshot of an instance, Rumble Cloud creates an image that contains all the data from the instance's root disk. This image is stored in the Image service and can be managed like any other image. You can list, show details, delete, and use these images to launch new instances.


  • Immutability, so that once created, snapshots cannot be modified
  • Backup and recovery, to back up the current state of an instance (if something goes wrong, you can use the snapshot to restore the instance to its previous state)
  • Cloning, to create a new instance from a snapshot, effectively cloning the original instance (this is useful for quickly deploying duplicate environments or scaling applications)
  • Template creation, for using templates to create new instances (this is handy when you want to deploy multiple instances with the same configuration and data)
  • Migration, to facilitate the migration of instances between hosts or even between different clouds

Key concepts

How it works

  1. When you creates a snapshot of an instance, Compute service communicates with the underlying hypervisor to capture the current state of the instance. This includes the data on the instance's disk, its memory content, and any other relevant state information.
  2. The snapshot is saved as an image in the Image service. It is stored in the same way as other images, with metadata describing the snapshot and its properties.
  3. You can create new instances from the snapshot image. When a new instance is launched using the snapshot, it will have the same disk and memory content as the original instance at the time the snapshot was taken. This is useful for quickly cloning instances or restoring an instance to a previous state.
  4. You can list, show details of, and delete instance snapshots through the cloud console or the command-line interface (CLI). Snapshots can be treated like any other image in Glance, with the ability to share or make them public as needed.
  5. Snapshots consume storage space in the image repository. You should manage snapshots carefully to avoid consuming excessive storage resources.

Instance snapshot console

Command line tools

API methods

See also