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Update Ubuntu 22.0 for Snapshots

This guide pertains to the Ubuntu 22.0 shared image available by default when creating a new virtual machine instance (as of the date of this writing).

Follow these instructions to update an Ubuntu 22.0 virtual machine instance so that you can create snapshots in Rumble Cloud.

Before you begin This guide assumes that you've already completed the following tasks:

  • Created an SSH key pair
  • Created a virtual machine instance
  • Used SSH to access the virtual machine


  1. Type the following command in the SSH connected terminal:

    sudo apt-get update

  2. The virtual machine will download the latest versions of the operating system and related components. When done updating, type:

    sudo apt-get upgrade

  3. Type "Y" when asked to continue.

  4. Type "Enter" when asked about Package configuration.
  5. From the Rumble Cloud console, go to Compute > Instances and find the virtual machine.
  6. Select More > Instance Status > Soft Reboot. This safely reboots the machine to make sure the updates are correctly applied.
  7. Find the virtual machine instance in the instance dashboard.
  8. Select More > Backup & Snapshots > Create Snapshot.
  9. Provide a name for the snapshot. You’ll see an error message stating that the operation failed.
  10. Select "Click to show detail". In the error detail, you’ll see a message that states, libvert cannot connect to the qemu-guest-agent inside the instance. The error indicates that the virtual machine is not connecting to software called qemu-guest-agent.
  11. Open the Terminal application on your computer.
  12. Type the following to connect to the virtual machine, install the software, then get it running.

    sudo su -
    apt update && apt -y install qemu-guest-agent
    systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent
    systemctl start qemu-guest-agent

  13. From the Rumble Cloud console, go to Compute > Instances and find the virtual machine.

  14. Select More > Instance Status > Soft Reboot.
  15. Allow the system a few seconds to reboot successfully.

You can now create a snapshot of the update virtual machine instance. Select More > Backup & Snapshots > Create Snapshot.