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Create a virtual machine instance snapshot

Before you begin

Sometimes the operating system and related tools of a new virtual machine instance need to be updated. In the case of the shared Ubuntu 22.0 image available in Rumble Cloud, you'll need to perform an update in order to successfully create a snapshot of the virtual machine instance. For more information on how to do this, see Update Ubuntu 22.0 for snapshots.

You'll need enough storage to snapshot

Snapshots are included as a part of your project's storage quota. For example, if you want to snapshot a 10GB volume virtual machine, you'll need a comparable 10GB of free storage available in your quota.


  1. Go to Compute > Instances to view the list of available virtual machine instances in this project.
  2. Select Volumes > Create Snapshot.
  3. Provide a name for the snapshot.
  4. Select OK to create the snapshot.
  5. The new snapshot is displayed in the Instance Snapshots console.

Use a snapshot to create a "golden image"

A golden image refers to the concept of creating a baseline or master image that can be used to create other images in your project. You can use snapshots to create golden images.

  1. Follow instructions to create a new VM.
  2. Update and configure the VM as needed.
  3. Follow instructions on this page to create a snapshot of the VM. To help identify the snapshot, you can label the snapshot with the file name "golden_image", plus the operating system you used and a version number.

You can now use the golden image snapshot to create other VMs. Read below for instructions on how to use snapshots to create VMs.

Create a new VM from a snapshot

  1. Go to Compute > Instance Snapshots to view a dashboard of your snapshots.
  2. Find the instance snapshot you want to use for your image.
  3. Select More > Create Instance to create a new VM instance from the snapshot.

Select a snapshot for the source of a new VM

You can also specify a snapshot as you're creating a new VM from scratch.

  1. Follow the instructions to create a VM here: create a VM
  2. From the VM creation screen, select Instance Snapshot as your Start Source.
  3. Select the snapshot from the list of available snapshots.

See also