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Understand cloud automation and orchestration

Automation service in Rumble Cloud provides a cloud orchestration service that simplifies the deployment and management of cloud resources. By leveraging OpenStack Heat and a template-driven approach, you can manage automated deployments in the Rumble Cloud.

What is OpenStack Heat?

OpenStack Heat is the orchestration component of the Automation service. It allows users to automate the creation, management, and scaling of cloud resources using templates. These templates define the infrastructure as code, enabling repeatable and consistent deployments.

Key features

  • Template-driven: Heat uses templates, typically written in YAML or JSON format, to describe the cloud resources (such as VMs, networks, and storage) and their relationships.

  • Resource management: Heat can create, update, and delete resources in an orchestrated manner, ensuring that dependencies between resources are managed correctly.

  • Auto-scaling: Heat supports auto-scaling, allowing the automatic adjustment of resources based on predefined metrics, such as CPU utilization.

  • Stacks: A stack is a collection of resources defined in a Heat template. Heat manages the entire lifecycle of a stack, providing a unified view of all the resources.

Benefits of using OpenStack Heat

  1. Simplification: Heat simplifies the management of complex cloud infrastructures by providing a single point of control through templates.

  2. Repeatability: Templates ensure that deployments are repeatable and consistent, reducing the risk of configuration errors.

  3. Automation: Heat automates the provisioning and scaling of resources, saving time and reducing manual effort.

  4. Integration: Heat integrates with other cloud services, such as Compute, Network, and Block Storage, providing a comprehensive orchestration solution.

Getting started with Heat

  • Understand Heat templates: Familiarize yourself with the structure and syntax of Heat templates. Explore sample templates to understand how resources are defined and orchestrated.

  • Create a template: Define your cloud infrastructure in a Heat template. Specify the resources you need, such as VMs, networks, and storage, along with their properties and dependencies.

  • Deploy a Stack: Use the cloud console or Heat CLI to deploy a stack based on your template. Heat will provision and configure the resources as defined in the template.

  • Manage and scale: Monitor the performance of your stack and use Heat to update or scale resources as needed.

See also