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Generate app credentials

To get started using credential files, follow these steps:

  1. Install the OpenStack client.
  2. Generate app credentials.

Install OpenStack client

Follow the instructions in Install OpenStack client.

Generate app credentials

  1. Select API > App Credentials.
  2. Click Create Application Credential.
  3. Provide a name for the credentials files.
  4. Optionally set an expire date.
  5. Select the roles to apply to the credentials.
  6. Optionally select unrestricted access to manage Kubernetes clusters, trusts, and other application credentials.
  7. Optionally provide a description for the app credentials.
  8. Select OK to generate. You'll be presented with an application ID and an application secret. Both of these values are displayed one-time, and the intereface gives you the option to copy and store these values. Optionally copy and store these values in a secure location. DO NOT SELECT CLOSE.
  9. Download the file. The file name will follow the format of openrc-<FILE-NAME>.sh. Make a note of the location where you save file.]
  10. Select Close.
  11. Open the Terminal application on your computer.
  12. Go to the location of the saved file. For example, if you saved your file to the Downloads folder, type the following in the terminal.

    cd Downloads

  13. Type the follow in the terminal to display the contents of the file.

    source openrc-<FILE-NAME>.sh

The file is now setup to work with Rumble Cloud authentication.

Next steps

Type the following in the command line to use the OpenStack client to list the servers in your projects.

openstack server list

The terminal displays the list of instances in your project.

| ID          | Name        | Status | Networks    | Image       | Flavor      |
| 348704bc-   | testDEC26   | ACTIVE | marioNet=0. | from        |             |
| a33b-       |             |        | 0.0.23      | volume)     |             |
| 97e9a28c3e5 |             |        |             |             |             |
| d           |             |        |             |             |             |
| 6922604d-   | quickStartV | ACTIVE | PublicEphem | N/A (booted | m2a.large   |
| e470-43cd-  | M           |        | eral=0.0.   | from        |             |
| a9e2-       |             |        | 0.91        | volume)     |             |
| 451b22b99e1 |             |        |             |             |             |
| 0           |             |        |             |             |             |

You can now use the OpenStack client to view and manage your Rumble Cloud resources.