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Storage service

Service description

Storage service controls both Volumes (Block Storage) and Object Storage.

Volumes service manages block storage functionality for your cloud projects. Block storage enables you to create and manage persistent block storage devices, called volumes. You can attach storage volumes to virtual machine instances and also detach them.

Volumes service uses the OpenStack Cinder service.




Backups are critical to all cloud projects. All users are responsible for their own data and configurations.

You have several backup options available in Rumble Cloud. Here are some to consider.

Volume snapshots save a point-in-time copy of a storage volume. They are ideal for the rapid restoration of a volume to a previous state, but not suitable for long-term data retention.

Instance snapshots save a point-in-time copy of a virtual machine instance. They are ideal for the rapid restoration of an instance to a previous state.

Volume backups copy the data for a detached storage volume. They are suitable for long term data retention, especially for database or file servers.

Volume clones create a complete replica of an existing volume on a seperate volume. They are useful for volume backup and restoration.

You can also create images based on existing virtual machine instance as a way of standardizing and replicating stable environments. This approach is suitable for replicating environments for bootable operating systems for virtual machines.

Object storage can be used to store any kind of backup file or archive.

This is not an exhaustive list of backup strategies, but represents some common use cases that can be satisfied with Rumble Cloud services.

Key concepts

Storage service console

Command line tools

API methods

See also