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Key pair CLI reference

See for a list of commands and more information about each command.

These commands allow you to create, list, show details of, and delete key pairs in your cloud projects. The <keypair_name> in the commands is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual name of the key pair. When creating a new key pair without specifying a public key, the private key will be displayed in the output and should be saved securely.

List key pairs

openstack keypair list

Show key pair details

openstack keypair show <keypair_name>

Create a key pair

openstack keypair create --public-key <public_key_file> <keypair_name>
  • <public_key_file>: Path to the file containing the public key (optional; if not provided, a new key pair will be generated)

Import a key pair

openstack keypair create --public-key <public_key_file> <keypair_name>
  • This command is the same as the one for creating a key pair but requires the --public-key option to specify the public key file to import

Delete a key pair

openstack keypair delete <keypair_name>

Generate a key pair and save private key

openstack keypair create --private-key <private_key_file> <keypair_name>
  • <private_key_file>: Path to save the generated private key file