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Certificates CLI

These commands enable you to perform various operations related to certificates, such as creating, listing, and retrieving secrets (certificates). The , , , and in the commands are placeholders that should be replaced with the actual names and IDs of the stacks, resources, events, and output keys. Here is a list of some common commands for managing stacks and resources.

In OpenStack, certificate management can vary depending on the specific service and implementation. However, OpenStack does not have a dedicated set of CLI commands specifically for managing SSL/TLS certificates across all services. Instead, certificate management is typically handled through the configuration of individual services or through third-party tools.

Here are some general approaches and commands related to certificate management in OpenStack:

  1. Barbican (Key Manager Service): Barbican is the OpenStack service that provides secure storage, provisioning, and management of secret data, including certificates and keys. You can use the Barbican CLI to manage secrets and certificates:

  2. Create a secret (certificate):

    Text Only
    openstack secret store --payload-content-type="application/octet-stream" --payload="$(cat certificate.pem)"

  3. List secrets:

    Text Only
    openstack secret list

  4. Retrieve a secret (certificate):

    Text Only
    openstack secret get <secret_href>

  5. Nova (Compute Service): For managing certificates related to instances, you might use Nova commands:

  6. Create a new certificate for a project:

    Text Only
    nova x509-create-cert

  7. Get root certificate:

    Text Only
    nova x509-get-root-cert
