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Floating IP CLI reference


These commands allow you to manage floating IPs in your projects, including listing available pools, creating and deleting floating IPs, and associating or disassociating them with instances. The <pool> and <floating_ip> in the commands are placeholders that should be replaced with the actual names or addresses of the floating IP pool and the floating IP.

List floating IP pools

openstack floating ip pool list

List floating IPs

openstack floating ip list

Create a floating IP

openstack floating ip create <pool>
  • <pool>: The name of the floating IP pool from which to allocate the IP.

Delete a floating IP

openstack floating ip delete <floating_ip>

Associate a floating IP with an instance

openstack server add floating ip <server> <floating_ip>
  • <server>: The ID or name of the instance to which the floating IP will be associated.
  • <floating_ip>: The floating IP address to associate with the instance.

Disassociate a floating IP from an instance

openstack server remove floating ip <server> <floating_ip>