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Topology console


The topology console in the Network service provides a visual representation of the network resources and their relationships within your cloud environment. Use topology to view and understand the layout of networks, subnets, routers, instances, and other network-related entities in a graphical format.

Select Network > Topology to display the topology console.

You can create routers, networks, and instances from the buttons at the top of the console.

Key concepts

How it works

  1. The network topology will be displayed as a graphical diagram, showing the different network components and their connections. You can see networks, subnets, routers, instances, and other resources, along with their status and configuration details.
  2. You can interact with the topology diagram to get more information about specific components. For example, click on a network to show you details about its subnets and connected routers. Click on an instance to show you its IP addresses and associated security groups.
  3. If you make changes to your network configuration (such as adding a new network or instance), you can refresh the topology view to see the updated layout.
  4. You can use zoom and pan controls to adjust the view of the topology diagram, making it easier to focus on specific areas or get an overview of the entire network.