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Automation console


Select Automation > Heat Stacks to view the Automation console.

Automation service lets you automate the deployment and management of your cloud resources. Automation defines infrastructure as code and lets you manage it in a consistent and repeatable manner. Use automation for deploying complex applications that require multiple interrelated resources and for managing the lifecycle of those resources throughout the application's lifetime.

The console lists all stacks in the project. You can view, update, and delete stacks.

You can take the following actions:

  • Check the status of a stack
  • Suspend and resume running stack instances

Select a stack to view details including topology, overview, resources, events, and template associated with the stack.

Stack details

Here's a table summarizing the properties and attributes that you should understand in order to create or manage Heat stacks in the Automation service:

Property/Attribute Description
Stack Name A unique name identifying the stack.
Template The template file (in YAML or JSON format) that describes the stack's resources and configurations.
Parameters Input parameters required by the template to customize the stack deployment.
Stack Status Indicates the current state of the stack (e.g., CREATE_COMPLETE, UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, DELETE_FAILED).
Outputs Output values defined in the template, providing information about the stack's resources after deployment.
Timeout The number of minutes before a stack creation or update times out.
Tags A list of user-defined tags associated with the stack for categorization or filtering.
Disable Rollback A boolean value indicating whether to disable rollback on stack creation failure.
Stack ID A unique identifier automatically assigned to the stack by OpenStack.
Creation Time The timestamp indicating when the stack was created.
Updated Time The timestamp indicating when the stack was last updated.
Nested Depth Indicates the depth of nested stacks (if applicable).
Parent Stack The ID of the parent stack (if the stack is nested).
Environment The environment file or settings applied to the stack, overriding default template values.

Understanding these properties and attributes is helpful for effectively creating and managing Heat stacks, enabling you to automate the deployment and management of cloud resources through templates and orchestration.

Heat stack status details

Here's a table summarizing the various stack statuses in the Heat service:

Stack Status Description
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS The stack creation process is currently underway.
CREATE_COMPLETE The stack has been successfully created.
CREATE_FAILED The stack creation process has failed.
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS The stack deletion process is currently underway.
DELETE_COMPLETE The stack has been successfully deleted.
DELETE_FAILED The stack deletion process has failed.
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS The stack update process is currently underway.
UPDATE_COMPLETE The stack has been successfully updated.
UPDATE_FAILED The stack update process has failed.
ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS The stack rollback process (reverting to a previous state) is currently underway.
ROLLBACK_COMPLETE The stack has been successfully rolled back to a previous state.
ROLLBACK_FAILED The stack rollback process has failed.
ADOPT_IN_PROGRESS The process of adopting existing resources into a new stack is currently underway.
ADOPT_COMPLETE The stack has successfully adopted existing resources.
ADOPT_FAILED The stack adoption process has failed.
CHECK_IN_PROGRESS The process of checking the stack's resources for correctness is currently underway.
CHECK_COMPLETE The stack's resources have been successfully checked for correctness.
CHECK_FAILED The process of checking the stack's resources has failed.
SUSPEND_IN_PROGRESS The stack suspension process is currently underway.
SUSPEND_COMPLETE The stack has been successfully suspended.
SUSPEND_FAILED The stack suspension process has failed.
RESUME_IN_PROGRESS The stack resumption process is currently underway.
RESUME_COMPLETE The stack has been successfully resumed.
RESUME_FAILED The stack resumption process has failed.
SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS The process of creating a snapshot of the stack's current state is currently underway.
SNAPSHOT_COMPLETE A snapshot of the stack's current state has been successfully created.
SNAPSHOT_FAILED The process of creating a snapshot of the stack's current state has failed.

These statuses provide insight into the current state of a stack and the ongoing operationse. They are helpful for monitoring the progress and outcome of stack operations.

Automation service

Automation service CLI reference

Automation service API reference

See also