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Welcome to Rumble Cloud Docs

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Get started

Start here to understand the cloud user interface, create keys, and create a virtual machine

In a hurry?

Read the Quick start tutorial: Create a virtual machine

Read the Cloud Console Guide to understand the cloud user interface and features


User guides

Cloud console guide | Learn about the web-based user interface used to manage cloud projects and resources

Compute console | Storage console | Network console | Automation console | Kubernetes console | API console

Account guide | Learn how to manage your user account

SSH and command line tools | Learn about SSH and other command line tools

OpenStack client | Learn about OpenStack Client command line tools

CLI reference | Command line interface reference documentation

API reference | RESTful API reference documentation

Glossary | Glossary of terms


Rumble Cloud services

Compute service | Learn about virtual machines (VMs), snapshots, images, key pairs, and more

Storage service | Learn about volume storage and object storage

Network service | Learn about private newtworks, IP addresses, routers, load balancers, and more

Automation service | Learn about cloud services orchestration and automation

Kubernetes service | Learn about container orchestration engines


How to

How to

How to | Step-by-step instructions for using cloud features

Getting started | How-to topics for getting started

Tutorials | Guided examples for common use cases

Troubleshooting | Tips for addressing common issues

Videos | Video how tos and more

Knowledge base articles



General | General FAQ

Support | End user customer support FAQ

Compute | Compute service FAQ

Network | Network service FAQ

Storage | Storage service FAQ

Kubernetes | Kubernetes service FAQ

Automation | Automation service FAQ

OpenStack | OpenStack FAQ

Developer | Developer FAQ

Documentation | Documentation FAQ

Cloud 101

Beginner's guides

Cloud automation and orchestration | Tools that automate and manage cloud deployments

Cloud-native computing | An approach to cloud computing

Command line tools | Tools to run on your local computer

Floating IPs | Access the internet from the cloud

High availability | Strategies for resiliant cloud deployments

Images | Deploy virtual machine snapshots

IP addresses | Network IDs for virtual machines

Key pairs | Crytopgraphic keys for secure access to VMs

Kubernetes | Container orchestration in the cloud

Linux commands | Cheat sheet for getting started with Linux

Load balancers | Tools to manage network traffic

Networks | How your cloud commmunicates

OpenStack | Open-source cloud computing technology on Rumble Cloud

Operating systems | Introduction to server operating systems

Ports | Network components that connect cloud resources

Routers | Network components that manage traffic

Servers | The computers that run virtual machines in the cloud

Security groups | Custom rules that control network traffic

SSH | The protocol and tools used to access VMs securely

Virtual machines | The building blocks for cloud projects

Virtualization | The technology behind VMs and cloud computing

What's new


Rumble Cloud changelog | Latest updates to the Rumble Cloud

Docs changelog | Latest updates to the docs

Docs feedback
